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EPIC programme


Introducing the: Engage, Participate, Involve, Collaborate (EPIC) programme

What is it?

The EPIC programme is a first step towards discussing and developing solutions to our engagement and involvement challenges together across NW London. By developing the future approach with our lay partners, PPGs, Healthwatch, the voluntary sector and our local authority partners we can be ambitious: build on what currently works well and look to make our approach best practice for how the NHS works with residents and patients. A key element of the programme will be to bring together the many patient and public inputs and ensure a continuous feedback loop where people know how their feedback and input is taken into account and used.

Why now?

We see the move towards an Integrated Care System and Integrated Care Partnerships as an opportunity to shape a new, joined up and leading edge approach to how we work with local residents.

There are four key strands to our approach

Outreach engagement:

Reaching out and hearing from our diverse local communities. Developing an on-going dialogue (meeting or exceeding our duties on engagement, consultation and equalities).

Citizens’ Panel:

A panel of 4,000 local residents, which we will use to gather public opinion about the local NHS and NHS initiatives. You can register for the Citizens' Panel by filling out this registration form. For any enquiries please email nwlccgs.citizenspanel@nhs.net.

Patient and public involvement:

This is how we involve local residents in shaping and co-producing our services and our approach to engaging more widely with the public.

Community Voices:

Training volunteers to have ‘unprompted’ conversations with local people, gathering real time feedback and views from our communities.

More information about each of these programmes can be found in the slides from the workshop on 17 December.


The first workshop to launch the programme was held on 17 December 2019

Slides from the workshop can be found here

A report from the workshop can be found here

Getting involved

If you would like to be involved in the second EPIC workshop which will be held in March/April 2020 you can register your interest by emailing: nwlccgs.healthiernwl@nhs.net