Urgent Alert

From 1 April 2022 this website will not be updated.

  For the latest North West London health and care information, visit www.nwlondonics.nhs.uk.

Integrated Lay Partners Group

Our integrated lay partners group is made up of lay members, lay partners, Healthwatch representatives and patient representatives. 

The group ensure patients and the public are involved in the work that we do insuring they are at the heart of decision making across NW London.

Our vision

  • to improve the quality of care for individuals, carers and families
  • to empower and support people to maintain their independence and lead full lives as active participants in their community
  • to ensure people receive consistent, patient centred, integrated and holistic care that they or their carer can manage themselves.

Are you interested in being a lay partner?

The role of a lay partner is to scrutinise the work we do and act as the voice of patients across NW London.

Lay partners are expected to attend one meeting per month. Each meeting normally takes place in Central London and is approximately two hours long. In return, lay partners will be kept up to date on CCG information and developments across NW London and are at the heart of decision making and development of NHS services. 

You can download our lay partner job description here

To find out more about the responsibilities and commitments of the group download an overview of the group here.

If you are interested in the joining the group please email our engagement team at: nwlccgs.healthiernwl@nhs.net.