Urgent Alert

From 1 April 2022 this website will not be updated.

  For the latest North West London health and care information, visit www.nwlondonics.nhs.uk.

North West London ICS Involvement Charter

Our involvement charter sets out minimum standards for how we involve the public in the work of the local NHS.

Involvement Charter.jpgIt was co-designed with over 100 residents through our EPIC (Engage-Participate-Involve-Collaborate) programme. The idea for a charter came from a member of the public and was enthusiastically supported by other residents. Having worked through the contents and standards with local residents and stakeholders, we published the charter to get wider views on the content. The version published here is the final charter and is now in use.

The involvement charter underpins our new engagement framework, which was co-designed through the EPIC programme and further developed via open meetings to discuss the challenges of vaccine hesitancy and outreach engagement with over 100 community groups. This includes holding regular ‘collaborative spaces’ where local communities and health and care professionals come together, recruiting lay partners to support key work-streams and a programme of outreach engagement to ensure an ongoing dialogue with our many local communities.