Urgent Alert

From 1 April 2022 this website will not be updated.

  For the latest North West London health and care information, visit www.nwlondonics.nhs.uk.

Your health

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On these pages you can find out more about managing your health and how the CCGs support you:

Self-care is all about keeping your body and mind well and maintaining good health. It focuses on helping you to play an active role in your own healthcare and wellbeing.

Our medicines management pharmacists work to reduce medicine-related harm, helping GPs to maintain or improve the quality of medicine use and also reduce avoidable expenditure.

Find out more about managing long-term conditions. These are health conditions that generally last for a year or longer and may impact upon a person’s everyday life. Examples include asthma, arthritis and diabetes.

Digital health makes accessing health services easier for patients, including being able to book GP appointments online, rearranging appointments and requesting repeat prescriptions.

Read more about our individual funding service and care planning.