Urgent Alert

From 1 April 2022 this website will not be updated.

  For the latest North West London health and care information, visit www.nwlondonics.nhs.uk.

Get involved

In NW London, we are making sure that patients and the public are at the heart of everything we do. By working together, we can provide better access to care and help patients take more control over their health and wellbeing.

We make decisions based on feedback from local people who share their views and experiences with us in a number of ways.

We have an integrated lay partners group who meet regularly to help shape our plans and services. The group are responsible for scrutinising our work and acting as the voice of patients across NW London.

We engage with patients and the public by visiting local hospitals, health centres, care homes and other public centres and venues. Attend workshops and other events to gather as much feedback as possible. We also conduct online and face-to-face surveys to find out how local people feel about specific plans/programmes. You can read more about our projects and how we have used your feedback here

Locally we look to involve the public and engage in its own way through lay groups, volunteering and engagement activity, to meet local needs and shape individual plans. As do hospitals, mental health and community trusts and local councils, to ensure that local plans and service changes are discussed with patients and the public.

To help us reach all parts of our communities, we work closely with community voluntary services, which are borough-specific groups who help us engage with local people. Most of our 400 GP practices also have patient-led participation groups.

To find out more about how we involve patients and engage with residents, please see our get involved page or contact email our engagement team at nhsnwlccg.healthiernwl@nhs.net.