Urgent Alert

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Medicines optimisation in care homes


Good Practice Guidance

The North West London Clinical Commissioning Groups Care Home Pharmacy Group have produced a suite of good practice guidance for use by care homes (nursing and residential) and health and social care providers to support them in the safe effective use of medicines. The guidance’s are based on national standards, legislation and guidance. Click on the links below to access these documents. 

Care Homes Patient Safety Network - Imperial College Health Partners

Click here to view the slides from the September 2021 event

Click here to view the slides from the February 2022 event

This article was originally published on Imperial College Health Partner’s website: Care Homes Patient Safety Network - Imperial College Health Partners

Good practice guidance:

NWL Care Home Pharmacy newsletters

NWL CCG's Care Home Pharmacy Newsletter January 2020 

NWL CCG’s Care Home Pharmacy Newsletter September 2019

National guidance

NICE Guidance Managing Medicines in Care Homes 2014

NICE checklist for care home Medicine Policy 2014

NICE Care home staff Administering Medicines 2018