Urgent Alert

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Setting vision and goals that will achieve the desired outcomes

After putting the time in to understand the care that is currently being provided for the group in question, the next step is to set the goals – both outcomes and financial - for the new model of care.


The vision of care is the ambitious goal that providers and individuals who receive services set for the future of care for their target group. The vision should be bold and inspiring, and should be something that all partners can support for the future.

The goals for the care that will be provided under the new model should focus on the individual who is receiving care. Providers and lay partners will need to work together to articulate these goals. The vision of care for the future should draw upon the vision that is laid out for integrated care in Chapter 2: Vision and case for change, and should clearly state how the new model will empower individuals and provide more holistic care that is centred around people, not organisations, drawing on and strengthening the contribution of individuals, carers and communities.

The exhibit previously shows one example of how to set out a vision and mission statement. Providers can use this as a guide to creating their own set of aspirations for care in their area.


Providers will also need to set financial goals. This should be the envelope of savings that they will need to achieve to be financially sustainable. Providers should lay out the current expenditures from the previous step, decide where activity could be shifted to lower-cost settings and then decide their goals for financial impact. These goals should also remain within the capitated budget.