Urgent Alert

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Chapter 6

How do we innovate a new model of care working with users and carers?

This chapter explains how providers of care can design a new and innovative model of care. In order to do this, providers will need to understand the essential features of a model of integrated care, and will need to understand the costs of their proposed models.

  1. The case for change and innovation - View Section 
  2. Convene for co-design - View Section 
  3. Understand current care and future needs - View Section 
  4. Setting vision and goals that will achieve the desired outcomes - View Section 
  5. Design the new model of care - View Section 
  6. Deciding who will do what, where and when - View Section 
  7. Costing the whole model - View Section 
  8. Assessing the impact of the model - View Section